Diastasis Recti

Are You Struggling with Diastasis Recti in the Warrington, Cheshire Area?

Have You Tried Everything to Fix the Doming and Weakness That Comes with Diastasis Recti, But Feel Let Down?
cheerful pregnant woman looking through window

A Message from Our Women’s Health Department at Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are in the right place

Many women suffer unnecessarily with Diastasis Recti because they’re told…

The Truth Is...

At Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness We Help Women Overcome Diastasis Recti, So They Can Be Active and Pain Free Again, Regardless of How Long It's Been

It can be very confusing to decide exactly what you should do if you have Diastasis Recti. You may have experienced things like…

When there is so much choice it can become overwhelming to make a decision. In all honesty most women get stuck in inertia. Then days and months go by without taking any action hoping that one day the Diastasis Recti will just resolve itself.

What can you expect from our Women’s Health Team at Stockton Heath Physio?


The NHS can be frustrating, long waiting times and when you do get seen you often feel like the appointment was rushed or you left with unanswered questions.

This is why our first step is to listen to your story.

After working with lots of women with Diastasis Recti, we know that no two people are alike. Each person has a different body, a different history, different types of abdominal separation and different reasons that it persists after birth.

That is why our first step is to have an open conversation and time for you to tell your story. That way we get a deep understanding of what’s going on not just with your body, but also how it’s impacting your life.


This is when the big transformations occur. We develop a personalised action plan that allows you to…

How Do I Get Started?

If you’d like to start your recovery from Diastasis Recti with us, simply click below. 


What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About the Women’s Health Team @ Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness


We improve people’s lives

What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness