Pregnancy Care
Are You Struggling with Pregnancy Pain in the Warrington, Cheshire Area?
Are You Worried the Pain Will Get Worse as You Get Further Along into Your Pregnancy?
At Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness we help women overcome pregnancy pain, so they can be active and pain free again, regardless of how pregnant they are.

A Message from Our Women’s Health Department at Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness
- Are you pregnant and worried about pain that isn’t going away on its own or you’re afraid will get worse as you go through each trimester?
- Are you frustrated that your pregnancy is being spoilt with lower back, SI joint, hip or pubic pain?
- Are you worried that your pain with STOP you from having the natural birth that you were hoping for?
- Are you having trouble getting through a day’s work? Or feeling forced to take your maternity leave early due to Pregnancy Pains?
- Did you have a difficult birth in the past and you are now looking for someone to help you have a better experience with your next baby?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are in the right place
- “Time is a healer” (then weeks or months later, they’re still in pain…)
- “You’re pregnant, it’s normal to be in pain.”
- You’re just going to have to learn to put up with it until after the baby is born.
The Truth Is...
- Pregnancy pain can be relieved, even if you’ve had it for a long time, and there are treatment options that are SAFE for you and your baby so you can stay active through your entire pregnancy.
- Time doesn’t heal back, hip, or pelvic pain.... and it can get WORSE during pregnancy.
- Antenatal classes are great but don’t tell you whether YOUR body is moving well or not.
- Your worries are valid and there are stretches and exercises and ways to help yourself that you may not have been taught by your midwife.
At Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness We Help Women Overcome Pregnancy Pain, So They Can Be Active and Pain Free Again, Regardless of How Pregnant They Are
- A family member tells you to go the chiropractor to “put your pelvis back in place”
- The YouTube or Instagram Influencer recommends certain pregnancy stretches
- A friend suggests going to see an acupuncturist or to do Yoga
- Or your GP tells you to rest, that’s its normal and that it will all ago away once the baby arrives.
When there is so much choice it can become overwhelming to make a decision.
In all honesty most women get stuck in inertia. Then days and trimesters go by without taking any action hoping that one day the Pregnancy Pain will just fix itself.
What can you expect from our Women’s Health Team at Stockton Heath Physio?
The NHS can be frustrating, long waiting times and when you do get seen you often feel like the appointment was rushed or you left with unanswered questions.
This is why our first step is to listen to your story.
After working with lots of women with Pregnancy Pain, we know that no two people are alike. Each person has a different body, a different history, and different story and different reasons for their Pregnancy Pains.
That is why our first step is to have an open conversation and time for you to tell your story. That way we get a deep understanding of what’s going on not just with your body, but also how it’s impacting your life.
PLAN:This is when the big transformations occur. We develop a personalised action plan that allows you to…
- Plan for the birth experience you are hoping for, knowing your body is ready for childbirth and you and your baby are ready to meet each other.
- Get back to doing the things you love without fear of pregnancy pain and stiffness coming back.
- Get back to living your life; taking care of body and mind; and looking after your family without fear or anxiety.