
Advice & Tips From Stockton Heath Physiotherapy & Wellness

5 Tops Tips to STAY HEALTHY during Lockdown

Well we’ve made it through week 1 of lockdown…
How was it for you?
I don’t know about you, but going into it I was certainly feeling anxious about having to deal with so many concerns all at once (such as high-risk family members, work commitments, paying bills and staying healthy).
But having come through week 1 and reflected upon THE POSITIVES of what’s happened to me I wanted to share with you my….

“Top 5 Tips to Stay Healthy in Lockdown”


Number 1 = Establish a Routine

I read a news article this week about Sister Perry a Nun who had experienced a life in solitude.
She was giving out her best advice about living in isolation and establishing a regular routine was recommended.
And Perry is far from the first person to urge people to establish a routine, as numerous experts have found that routine – new or old can help people bring some stability in times of uncertainty.


Number 2 = Get Connected With Family

I have a sister in Australia, brother in Grappenhall and parents in Bramhall.
In a “normal world’ I would have been so busy at the clinic I’d have had very little time to talk to them. But over the last week I’ve spoken to them all more than I ever would have if I wasn’t in lockdown.
So, take advantage of this extra time, reach out to friends and family and embrace all the different ways you can communicate together through technology.

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Number 3 = Limit Your Daily “News Allowance”

I figured this one out quickly. First day I found myself watching the news all day like it was re-runs of Friends…except I wasn’t laughing or remotely entertained.
It was actually making me feel worse…
Try to limit your “news fix” to maybe once in the morning and evening at most. Avoid leaving it on the TV all day or having it left as a tab on your computer screen.

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Number 4 = Avoid Snacking

Now we’re all “working from home” the kitchen is literally next door to us (or maybe for some of you you’ve set up your office in it).
This makes avoiding the temptation to snack so much harder, but we don’t want to arise from lockdown having doubled in size, as increased weight on your joints increases your risk of getting painful arthritis.
Try to snack on low calorie foods (e.g. rice cakes or fruit), drink plenty of water so you feel fuller and at very least hide the biscuit tin out of sight…


Number 5 = Exercise Daily

I love this one… As a physiotherapist I am constantly addressing patients’ lifestyles and trying to convince them to get a little more active each day and sit less…
Now, not only do you have me recommending it (+ the time), but it’s actually being recommended by the government during a crisis!
We are living in unprecedented times, with HUGE restrictions to our freedoms that have never been done before and yet the government is still recommending that beautiful 8 letter word…


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Now there must be something vitally important about it right!?
Not only does exercise help reduce pain but it also helps reduce stress, anxiety and improve sleep!
And i know we could all do with some of that right!?..
It doesn’t really matter what the exercise is. I don’t mind if its walking, jogging, yoga, pilates or cycling just make sure you do it consistently each day.
But If you are really stuck for exercise ideas check out this link below where you will find excellent free home workouts for both children and seniors.

Click here for a link to The Body Coach TV Channel.

If you follow the tips above i’m confident you will arrive out of lockdown HEALTHIER than before it started.
I truly hope everyone is keeping well both physically and mentally.
If you are struggling and need some help, please don’t suffer alone, there are lots of ways we can help you while on lockdown…

Take a look at how you can get help below:

1. Free Self-Help Guides – Just click here for access to free injury guides to help take the edge off your pain while in isolation.
2. Online Physio Session – Just click here for access to free injury guides to help take the edge off your pain while in isolation.

Take Care, Stay Safe & KEEP ACTIVE
Daniel Massey
Clinic Director, Physio & Coffee Enthusiast
Tel: 01925266881 Web:

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